In today's world, knowledge and standardsare rapidly changing,
especially in the world of medicine. At our practice we offer you both
traditional and modern medical handling practices.
- Ultrasonic
examination of the abdominal areas, thyroid, vasculature* and the heart*
- Resting, stress
and 24-hour ECG
- 24-hour blood
pressure measurement
- Pulmonary
function measurement
- Laboratory tests
- Health Check (GU
- Gesundheitsuntersuchung)
- Skin cancer
- Cancer check-up
for the man
- Professional
medical therapy at malignant diseases
- Youth employment
protections examination according to the Young Persons Employment Act
(JArbSchG - Jugendarbeitsschutzgesetz) bevor the beginning of employe or
training relationship
- Certification
according to the § 43 Infection Protection Act (IfSG
- Vaccinations
according to the recommendations of the general Vaccinatiosn Commission
(STIKO - Ständigen Impfkommission)
- Allergy-Tests
including desensitisation
- In the frames of
the DMP programs we
are treating: type 2 DM, coronary heart diseases, asthma, chronic
pulmonary diseases and breast cancer
- Psychosomatic
- Travel medicine*
including required vaccinations for foreign countries
- Individual
Health Achievement on demand (IGeL)
- Medical
certificates* e.g. for sports clubs
- Examinations of
We are focusing on following areas:
Please do not hesitate to ask questions at any time, we are at your service.
*Please be aware that some of these services may not be covered by your health insurance.